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Saturday, 9 July 2011

What's happened?

What do you think the dog is seeing out the window?
There is a bone outside and the dog wants to get it before another dog does. - Ashleigh
Another car is going to crash into them! - VJ
They are about to jump over a monster truck! - Isaiah
The dog has seen a cat and wants to chase after it! - Charlotte
The dog is scared because the lady looks like she is daydreaming and is about to jump over  10 million cars! - Forge
The dog is seeing a women crossing the road with another cat and a dog. - Azalea
She is doing a fast and furious race! - Nahum
There is another bulldog outside the car that wants to get the dog - Jonathon
There is a gorilla coming towards the car! - Isaiah
They are going to do a big drift around the corner! - Nahum

Should old people drive?  What could happen?
White Hat - they shouldn't drive because they could crash, they might not see very well, - Cassidy, Crystal, Jessie & Maraea

Blue Hat - old people could use these things instead of driving - a motorised wheel chair, they could stand on a skateboard and someone could push them - Shakana, Maia, Ashleigh & Charlotte

Yellow Hat - if old people weren't allowed to drive the positives would be: they wouldn't slow traffic down, there would be less crashes.

Green Hat - new ways of transportation for old people - stand on a skateboard and the dog could pull it - Jonathon, Kingston, Ofa & Navuga

Black Hat - cars behind them might crash into them because they are going too slow, when old people walk across the road a car might run them over because they walk slow, - Danielle, Nataliah & Azalea

Red Hat - how they might feel if we take their license off them - Danielle said sad because they still want to drive, Maia said upset, Shakana - terrified, Cassidy - upset because if they are in a hurry they find how to get there, Isaiah - happy because they won't crash.


  1. Lorraine Haydock10 July 2011 at 23:45

    They are about to go up a ramp and fly over 20 cars!

  2. Julie James said: I think the dog is busting to go to the doggie bathroom - and is wishing the old lady would drive a bit faster!

  3. Jonathon said-the dog is seeing a volcano erupt and its coming towards them

  4. justin- The Dog wants to get a doggie bickit on the road

  5. courtney-i think that theres bacon on the road

  6. ashleigh- i think theres somebody crossing the road with a dog that has some dog food

  7. NAVUGA-I think there is a lightning coming ahead

  8. Sarah- it hink there is A Dog bone lol


Groovy 70's Rock Star Art

Here is a selection of our 70's art! They look awesome and the photos don't really show their true 'bling'!

Something to help you learn your 3D shapes

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